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2023 Designer Tool Kit

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If ordered today, we estimate your order will be ready for shipment between: May 8th - May 13th
2023 Designer Tool Kit
Item Number TWSKIT23
This tool kit is meant to be both inspirational and a helpful reference when meeting with clients, which is why we made sure form and function are spot on.

Product Details
  • The tool kit is neatly packaged in a thoughtfully designed folding case. We focused on making the case easy to open with removable parts and pieces but we also wanted it to look good on display!
  • Swatchbooks for letterpress ink colors, thermography ink colors and foil colors are removable and easy to flip through. Each color features a large printed sample, color name and PMS number.
  • Ink Update: The following thermography ink color has been added since creating the tool kit: Orange. Please call customer service to determine if samples are available.
  • A paper swatchbook with paper titles and cover weights should satisfy the paper nerd in all of us.
  • The print processes sample book showcases trending design concepts (from our own very talented designers) in digital, foil stamping, letterpress, thermography, enhanced raised foil and die cutting.
  • The print processes sample book also features industry-leading print pairings like digital and foil, letterpress and foil and digital and thermography.
  • $35 per kit includes shipping cost.